

Az'Surn Nation
Name Az'Surn Nation
Ticker SURN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98358371

Members [0]


Az'Surn Nation Is always looking for a few good souls.

We are a growing corporation working in about all aspects of Eve. Mining, Manufacturing, Ratting, Mission Running, pvp and having a good time.

We are just group of like-minded souls trying to carve out a piece of space to call our own.
We are here to help you grow and to be productive member of our family.

Some of our short term goals

1st--------> We want a place to call our own, With no hassels or headaches a place we can live with out fear of others.

2nd ------> A military force strong enough to defend all corp interest any where anytime.

3rd -----> Have a mining force more then able to supply the ores and fuel needs of a growing future empire.

4th -----> Have a industry base able to fill all our needs .

5th -----> Have good relations with other corps and alliances that have the same goals for no one ! Can stand alone in the cold darkness of space for no one can hear you scream!

6th ----->Expanding our systems for our growing needs and a buffer for defense of our home systems

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2015-09-03 08:14:51
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